Munich SPRKKR band structure program package
Overview and new features
Manual 7.7
Manual 8.6

The newest public program package (version 8.6) is now available upon request.
Please register on our SPR-KKR license page VERSION 8.6.
- Arbitrary ordered/disordered
three dimensionally periodic systems
- Surfaces in cluster or slab approximation
- Scalar- and Fully relativistic
- Non-collinear spin configurations
- Spin- and Orbital Moments
- Spin- and orbital susceptibility
- Residual Resistivity of Alloys
Spectroscopic Properties
including magnetic dichroism
- Valence Band Photoemission
- non-relativistic Appearance Potential
- non-relativistic Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- fully relativistic Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- Magnetic Compton scattering
Additional information
Information on parallel calculations with SPRKKR using openmpi: